Sacred Tattoo Journeys

I specialize in conducting intuitive handpoke tattoo journeys, where I create deeply personal and meaningful tattoos tailored to each client's unique energy and intentions

Because I wholeheartedly believe that you and the marking deserve this.

William ceremonial tattoo artist
William ceremonial tattoo artist
William ceremonial tattoo artist
William ceremonial tattoo artist


"The handpoke tattoo I received from Chakana Rituals was a truly transformative experience. I felt a deep connection to myself and the art."

"William created a custom design that perfectly captured my essence. The process was incredibly healing and I'm in love with my tattoo."

"I can't recommend William enough. The intuitive design he created for me surpassed all my expectations. Thank you for the beautiful experience."

"If you're looking for a meaningful tattoo experience, Chakana Rituals is the place to go. Their artistry and attention to detail are unmatched."

"Although I wasn't initially seeking a ceremonial tattoo experience, I found myself deeply moved by the ceremony guided by William. His unique approach and beautiful energy made the whole process incredibly special. I must admit, I was simply drawn to his remarkable tattoo style, but the ceremony added an unexpected layer of meaning and connection. The final tattoo exceeded my expectations and serves as a constant reminder of this unforgettable journey. Highly recommend, whether you're seeking a ceremonial experience or simply admire his art."

Our Safe Space

Creating a sacred tattoo space is crucial for a transformative experience.

In our serene studio, soft light and calming scents create a tranquil atmosphere.

Our tattoo station, adorned with sacred symbols, offers comfort and intentionality.

Surrounding symbols of protection and guidance ground both artist and client, fostering trust.

Soft music sets the tone for introspection as the ceremony unfolds, weaving a connection between artist and client.

In this sacred sanctuary, healing and transformation intertwine, leaving lasting significance.

Welcome to our safe space! ॐ

I feel a deep connection with the Chakana symbol and with the Quechua people. The Chakana Symbol, or Andean Cross, is a powerful symbol from the Andean region, particularly the Incas. It comprises a square with four extending arms representing cardinal directions and realms of existence. Symbolizing harmony and interconnectedness, it holds deep spiritual significance, embodying the unity of the cosmos and the interdependence of all beings.

In the Quechua language, “chakana” is a blend of two words “chaka” meaning bridge and “hanan” meaning tall. The Inca believed that the Chakana was a bridge between the three worlds; the world of Gods, the world of Man; or Earth, and the world of the Dead; or the spiritual realm, which is why each side of the chakana is a 3-stepped pyramid.

The Incas believed that everything is connected to Mother Earth, or Pachamama, and she is in the center of everything with only a circular hole cut out in the middle representing the Sun god, or a portal to the unknown.

Chakana Symbol
Chakana Symbol
Logo Chakana Rituals
Logo Chakana Rituals


Contact me for inquiries, bookings, or questions