My story, my path

The artist behind Chakana Rituals
The artist behind Chakana Rituals

I’m William, papa, creator, artist, sacred space holder & energy worker. Almost all of these things except my name I wouldn’t dare to say of me a few years ago. Life and the society in it got a hold of me for quite some time, but I found my freedom and power back and this feels liberating! And bringing this to you is my medicine.

Quiet, conscious and intentional ink with an organic feel. That is why I fell in love with hand poking. No Electricity, but every dot with the movement of the hand. Every dot by dot that deserves its own moment of stillness. With a tattoo we are not only changing something about our physical body, but we are changing something on a deeper, energetic level as well. Tattoos can be healing and help us cope with everyday life, guide us on our path and heal on many layers.

Working with sacred tattoo ceremonies is a profound and deeply meaningful experience for me. It's not just about creating beautiful artwork on the skin; it's about facilitating a sacred ritual that honors the body, mind, and spirit.

Each tattoo ceremony is a unique journey, guided by intention, reverence, and respect. It's a collaborative process where I work closely with my clients to understand their intentions, desires, and the deeper meaning behind their chosen design.

During the ceremony, we create a sacred space infused with intention, mindfulness, and presence. We may incorporate rituals, prayers, or meditation to set the energetic tone and invite in spiritual guidance and protection.

As the tattooing process unfolds, I approach it with the utmost care, attention, and reverence. Each dot with the needle is infused with intention and love, as we co-create a piece of art that not only adorns the body but also nourishes the soul.

Working with sacred tattoo ceremonies is more than just a job for me; it's a calling and a way of being. It's an honor to be entrusted with the responsibility of marking someone's body with symbols of significance and meaning, and I approach it with humility, gratitude, and deep reverence for the sacredness of the human experience.

This my medicine, my path, my calling.

From the hearth,


Paint Pouring

Artistic Endeavors & Passions

Paint Pouring & Tattoo art
Paint Pouring & Tattoo art
Paint Pour with my kids
Paint Pour with my kids
Paint Pouring with my little ones
Passion, Native Flute
Passion, Native Flute
Music: the native flute
dotwork drawing in nature
dotwork drawing in nature
Plantmedicine, Truffels & Mushrooms & tattoos
Plantmedicine, Truffels & Mushrooms & tattoos
Working with plant medicines
Flow dancing: Firestaff
Drawing, preferable in nature